Monday, May 30, 2011

Bento: Pancakes and Glazed Carrots

This is one of the bentos I've recently made.

It's a Pancake Bento:

Pancakes, Glazed Carrots, Blueberries, Radishes and Chili-Cheese-Balls (frozen product). The little bottle contains maple syrup.

For the pancakes you can just use a pancake mix! I use the German brand "Mondamin". Of course pancakes aren't a very healthy lunch for everyday. But you can't have rice as daily basis ... you get bored sooner or later. So sometimes you should mix it up with different karbohydrate dishes like noodles, bread or pastries like pancakes, wraps or milkbread.
If you want a cuter bento, try to cut the pancakes in shapes ... teddy bears, cars, flowers ... a big cookie cutter works best for clear edges. Chocolate sauce is perfect for decoration like faces etc.

Glazed Carrots are a great alternative for picky eaters. You underline the carrot's sweetness with sugar, but it's still healthy.

Glazed Carrots:

6 mini carrots or 2 normal carrots
1 Tbsp Sugar
1Tbsp Butter

1. Peel carrots. Put carrots in a small saucepan and add just enough water to cover the carrots. Bring to boil.
2. Add sugar and butter and reduce heat. Cook until the liquid is gone.
3. Check if the carrots are tender.

That's it!

Glasierte Karotten:

6 Minikarotten oder 2 normale Karotten
1TL Zucker
1TL Butter

1. Karotten schälen. In eine kleine Saucenpfanne geben und mit Wasser gerade bedecken. Kochen.
2. Zucker und Butter hinzufügen und Hitze reduzieren. Solange kochen bis die Flüssigkeit verschwunden.
3. Jetzt nur noch überprüfen, ob die Karotten weich sind!



Thursday, May 26, 2011

Eat, Pray, Love

Alright everybody, I'm back ... I haven't blogged in quite some time, right? Sorry for that.

This month was my birthday, my group had a performance and college application started. Lots of stress!

To compensate I've read quite some interesting books. Currently I'm reading "Eat, Pray, Love", which got very famous thanks to Julia Roberts. She's that actress with the big smile, that made some good, some not so good movies.
But it's really a great book. It comes off as a cliché women's book but actually is so much more! I feel like the author is directly speaking to me. And although I'm not very religious, I now want a spiritual experience just like Liz. I feel a lot like and with her.
In 2008 I've been to Japan because I love traveling and wanted a special experience of my own. Sadly it didn't went very well and I can't travel very much since, but I've never lost my faith in future. I want to travel again to lots of countries, meet varous different people and of course eat good food.
Well, first I have to get something like a private life...

Work is going quite fine. I thought I would have immense trouble to be a model, but it's alright! It's so much fun and I love getting mail! Like getting birthday presents every month without getting any older - perfect for me! The dresses are all so beautiful!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Bento: Beef And Pepper Stir Fry

Beef And Pepper Stir Fry is a good way to combine meat with lots of vegetables.

For 2 Bento portions:

70g beef
1 green bell pepper
1 small carrot
1 tsp oyster sauce
1tsp rice wine
1 tsp soy sauce
1 tsp starch
1 clove garlic, minced
oil for frying

  1. Cut beef into thin slices and dust with starch. Cut pepper and carrot the same way. Combine oyster sauce, rice wine and soy sauce in a bowl.
  2. Heat oil and minced garlic in a frying pan. When the garlic releases aroma, add beef and stir-fry until heated through. Remove from the pan.
  3. Add vegetables to the pan and fry for 3-5 minutes with lit on, so the carrots get tender. Put back beef and add combined seasonings. Stir until the sauce is absorbed.

Rindfleisch Paprika Pfannengerührtes

Für 2 Bento Portionen

70g Rindfleisch
1 grüne Paprika
1 Karotte
1TL Austernsauce
1TL Reiswein
1TL Soyasauce
1TL Stärkemehl
1 feingehackte Knoblauchzehe
Öl zum Braten

  1. Rindfleisch in feine Streifen schneiden und mit Stärke bestäuben. Paprika und Karotte genauso schneiden. Austernsauce, Sojasauce und Reiswein in einer Schüssel vermischen.
  2. Öl und Knoblauch in einer Pfanne erhitzen. Wenn der Knoblauch sein Aroma freigibt, das Fleisch hinzugeben und so lange braten, bis es durcherhitzt ist. Fleisch aus der Pfanne nehmen.
  3. Gemüse in die Pfanne geben und ungefähr 3-5 Minuten zugedeckt braten, bis die Karotten weicher werden. Das Fleisch zurück in die Pfanne geben und die Sauce dazu geben. Solange rühren, bis die Sauce absorbiert wurde.

Bon Appetit!