Monday, March 28, 2011

Casserole roasted Pork / Schweinefleisch aus dem Ofen

I know it's been quite some time now but due to budget problems, I can't try out many new recipes.

Two weeks ago, I made Julia's casserole roasted pork with braised Sauerkraut or

"Rôti de Porc Poêlé avec Choucroute Braisée à L'Alsacienne"

As usually it was very delicious and the pork was soft enough, you could cut it with the fork.

All you need is some roast of pork, that you marinate für a few hours in lemon juice, salt, pepper and sage.
Then you put everything in a fireproof casserole with sliced, shortly cooked yellow onions, carrot and optional herbs and cook it inside the oven at 325°F.
You see, it's actually very easy!

Eben ist mir aufgefallen, dass es Julia's Rezepte nur auf Englisch gibt. Nicht jeder spricht diese Fremdsprache gut genug, um gleich ein 50 Jahre altes Kochbuch zu verstehen, aber jeder sollte Julia's Küche kennen! Deswegen hier das Rezept auf Deutsch! Es kann sein, dass euch einige Formulierungen wunderlich vorkommen, aber ich habe Schwierigkeiten in den Sprachen hin und her zu springen. Entweder ich spreche Deutsch oder ich spreche Englisch ... beides gleichzeit ist schwer.
Wenn ich das Rezept an einigen Stellen leicht abgeändert habe, hab ich das kursiv in Klammern erwähnt.

Schweinefleisch, im Ofen gebraten

Für 6 Leute

1 große, feuerfeste Kasserole (Schmorpfanne)

1,5kg knochenfreier Schweinebraten, mariniert (ich hatte aus Geizgründen Koteletts genommen und die Knochen entfernt ... es hat wunderbar funktioniert!)
4TL Schweinefett, Schmalz oder Öl (ich habe Sonnenblumenöl benutzt)
2 TL Butter, falls nötig
1 gewürfelte Zwiebel (Größe nach Wunsch)
1 gewürfelte Karotte (Größe nach Wunsch)
Optional: 2 Knoblauchzehen
1 mittleres Kräutersträußchen: 4 Zweige Petersilie, 1/2 Lorbeerblat (ich habe das ganze genommen), 1/4 TL Tyhmian oder Salbei
Flüssigkeit: 1/2 Tasse trockener Weißwein, Brühe, Bouillon oder Wasser

Den Ofen auf 162° (na ja, so gut wie es bei dem Wert geht) vorheizen.
Das Fleisch mit Papiertüchern komplett abtrocknen! Das ist wichtig, damit es nachher schön braun wird! (Am fettigen Rand, einige 1cm tiefe Schnitte machen, damit es sich beim Braten nicht wölbt!)
Das Fett in der Kasserole auf dem Herd auf moderate Hitze bringen. (bei mir Stufe 4 von 6) Wenn das Fett fast raucht, das Schweinefleisch von allen Seiten anbraten. Das dauert ungefähr 10 Minuten. Dann das Fleisch aus der Pfanne nehmen.

Alles Fett aus der Pfanne gießen bis auf 2 TL. Wenn das Fett angebrannt ist, alles entfernen und die Butter zufügen. Das Gemüse, den optionalen Knoblauch und die Kräuter einrühren und ungefähr 5 Minuten zugedeckt kochen lassen.

Das Fleisch wieder in die Pfanne geben, die fettigste Seite nach oben. Falls es nicht mariniert wurde, mit Salz und Pfeffer würzen und einem TL Salbei oder Tyhmian.
Die Kasserole abdecken und im unteren Drittel des Ofens platzieren und für zwei Stunden braten. (Da ich bereits geschnitte Koteletts hatte und keinen Braten, hat bei mir 1 Stunde gereicht!)

Danach das Fleisch auf einem heißen Teller anrichten. Die Flüssigkeit in die Kasserole gießen und langsam für 2-3 Minuten köcheln. Dann das Gemüse zerdrücken und anschließend bei sehr hoher Hitze kochen, bis nur noch ca. 1 Tasse übrig ist. In einer erwärmten Sauciere servieren.

Den Braten auf einem Teller anrichten, garniert mit welcher Gemüsebeilage auch immer.

Bon appetit. :)

Sagt mir Bescheid, falls ihr es ausprobiert!

Für das Sauerkraut habe ich kein Rezept, da ich es stark abgewandelt hatte. Lasst euch nur eins sagen! Auch wenn das Sauerkraut aus dem Glas kommt, verbessert es unheimlich den Geschmack, es vorher für einige Minuten in klarem Wasser einzuweichen!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Being A Lolita Model

What can I see? During my time growing up I had a lot of things I've wanted to achieve. Actress, lawyer, teacher, Morning Musume Member, stewardess, journalist, singer, archeologist and finally an author. I've never wanted to be a model. Basically because I'm not skinny and never was. Why am I not on a diet? Because I like to eat!
So imagine my suprise, when I got asked to be a model for lolita fashion! With my group, we can try out clothes and blog about them. Really a good thing, especially because I like the idea of models of every height, size and shape. Not every women in the world looks the same so fashion should be presented by various kinds of bodies, too! Don't you think??

Well then! Let's what it'll be.

Monday, March 14, 2011


Actually I was going to post my cooking experience with cod fish cooked in beer, but after what has happened over the last days, got my mind away from cooking ... well actually I'm cooking more than ever, to get my mind off Japan, but I don't feel like trying new recipes.
In 2008 I've spent several months in Japan in which I've learned, that it's a great country with great people but has it's flaws like every other nation in the world. One are the nuclear power plants. I DO UNDERSTAND they need it for energy. What I don't understand are the people, who believe in thos plants without asking questions. Why isn't there an anti nuclear movement like in any other country? Searching for alternatives? They thought they could win over a technology, that has no future ...
Well ... alright, alright. I understand you shouldn't talk bad about people, who sit in sh*t and I want to help so badly. Japan is the only other country except Germany, where I've lived, so it's like my second home. This year I was going to go back during summer, but who knows, what'll happen to my plans.
TV says, if they don't handle Fukushima soon it might be worse than Tschernobyl in 1986 ... only that Tschernobyl did not have an almost 40 million people city close. Oh God, I don't want to think about it! This is like a horror movie, where population dies due to nuclear war.
Next year is 2012 ... maybe end of the world is not that far away anyway.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Chicory Gratin

Oh my God, I'm always late with blogging.
It was already Sunday that I made a new 1000 recipes dish from Belgium.

Chicons au Gratin

First of all, I don't like chicory very much. But as I 'vepromised myself, I'm going to try every dish except for the tripes.

Well it wasn't all that bad, I guess. The chicory was still a little bitter, but drowned in cheese and sauce only half that bad. I made a roux, which I usally ruin, but this time it was fine! It tastes like I could inject butter directly into my veins, but hey... it had vegetables, right?!

All you need to do ... make a roux, stirr in milk, wrap chicory in ham, put it in a casserole, pour over the sauce and cheese and bake! Done!

Maybe I should also blog about other things than cooking to fill this blog. Let's see.

Tomorrow will be codfish!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Casserole-sautéed Pork Chops

Yesterday was another dish from "Mastering the Art of French Cooking" - quelle surprise. It's just so delicious, I want to have lunch out of this cook book every week!

I made Côtes de Porc Poêlées.

Pork chops and steaks are best, we think, when they are cut thick, browned on each side, then cooked in a covered casserole or skillet like the preceding casserole roasts of pork.

I can proudly say, this was NOT the first time I made pork chops! I really like cooking pork, because it's inexpensive, everywhere available and it usually tastes good with only a tiny effort. Too bad it's actually a disguised very tasty killer, that comes with cholesterol instead of bullets.
Since my dad has too high cholesterol, which makes us all drink meadow flavoured soymilk now ... everyday ... I can't cook a lot meat anymore, so I'm REALLY enjoying the thursdays.
The chops were really good. I used dry vermouth for the sauce, which was so delicious, I want to bath in it ... I want my future children to bath in it! Best sauce ever!!

As always, the meal did not look very appealing, but it was very good and easy! Only thing is ... Julia says, you can cook the potatoes with the meat. Maybe I just didn't get it right, but it didn't work out! Potatoes were still a little too hard inside. The red cabbage came out of a jar, because I forgot to buy sauerkraut!